Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Update-o-rama, part II: the New Lights

Weee! On a roll. I can't remember if I've already mentioned it or not, but we had some lovely eighties-ariffic outdoor lights in the back and side yards; two over the patio and one to light Captain Muddypaws' egress. I'll let them speak for themselves:
Okay, so not horrible, you know? But they didn't match anything else on the exterior of the house, anywhere. There are some great light fixtures elsewhere (on the front porch and the screen porch)--beautiful craftsman-like, marbled-glass things. Then there were these. There's something kind of "ice cream parlor" about them. So, we found some great little replacements at Home Depot. The Mr. and his father put them up the same weekend the floors went in. And, "ta-daaaa:"
They're a little smaller, overall, than the old fixtures, but they put out the same amount (if not more) light--the clear glass is better for the patio than the white-glazed globes that used to be there. It's a small thing, but it makes a significant difference. AND, since we've been painting and staining a bunch stuff on the patio after dark (more on that later!), we've really appreciated them.

1 comment:

  1. And I have my suspicions that the old globe-y fixtures could end up with a pile of bug carcasses (carcii?) in the bottom.... Pretty! What does the Captain think?
