Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Fauxfa, Redux

Alright, so I know I'm in arrears with my promised posts. Consider this a bonus. We are now the proud owners of a multi-generational piece of furniture, lovingly referred to as the "fauxfa." Not quite traditional sofa, not quite futon... in a class of its own, really. Seriously; by "class" I kind of mean "weight class," because BOY, they don't make sofas like this anymore. I think it's mostly steel. Anyhow, so the thing folds out into a sleeper kind of like a futon, but is completely upholstered, and the seat and back are more like a mattress (it does have springs) than a cushion. Those of you who know it are like, "ah, yes," and those who don't are really confused. We're gaining two rooms in the place of one with this house; we have a living room, and a 'family' room. The family room is smaller than the living room, but in the back of the house where the doors to the screen porch and patio are, as well as the kitchen. We figure we'll be back there more than we're in the living room at the front of the house, but our large couch and loveseat won't fit in the family room. SO. Enter the fauxfa. The fauxfa was the only couch in my old apartment (before I met the Mr.!) but since then languished in our office for close to two years--bedecked in a dingy, fraying, once-very-expensive striped upholstery fabric. Besides playing host to the occasional third houseguest and holding the Mr.'s feet when he does his situps, it's been a place to throw bags, coats, magazines, our beloved cornhole boards... you get the picture. Well, no more! We considered buying new furniture for the family room, but if we did that, we'd have to get rid of the fauxfa--something that made us kind of sad. It has such a history. (Mom can remember at least two prior upholsterings.) It's actually kind of comfortable as a bed, and, well, as I said before, they don't make 'em like they used to. I called and got a quote for having it reupholstered. ("Halt," you say--"aren't you making slipcovers or something?" Yes, and that's fodder for another post. However, the way this thing unfolds... my brain explodes trying to think of how I'd make a slipcover for it and keep it functional.) The upholstery folks were great, but understandably confused by my description (it was also difficult to refrain from calling it the 'fauxfa.') I ended up having to fax them pictures of it in various stages of movement: Great, huh? So. Upholstery is, yes, expensive. It's not quite as expensive as buying a new couch, though (especially a sleeper). We decided it was a good compromise. We're now really excited about having it in what will probably be our most-used room. We got to choose the upholstery fabric, which was difficult; it's really hard to try to anticipate whether a giant piece of furniture covered in fabric A or fabric B (or C or D or.. you get my point) will look good, or stupid, or whether we'll hate looking at it in a matter of days. The expense means there's a lot riding on the decision. What we picked might come as a surprise. It's plaid, which for those of you who know me will make all the sense in the world. It's not a crazy plaid, but pretty large-scale... and (I'm realizing that I'm painting a very odd picture with this) mostly orange. Yep. Giant orange plaid. I promise, though, I really think it'll look good. I hope. We're having the buttons on the back (the back is tufted in four places) replaced with slightly larger ones, and we're doing away with the skirt. It will look like a completely different piece of furniture when it's done, that's for sure. The upholsterers picked it up yesterday (three cheers for free pickup and delivery!) and we'll get to see it in a couple of weeks. Cross your fingers, and look for an "After" post!


  1. Giant. Orange. Plaid?

    Admittedly, the mind boggles, but you have excellent taste; so I'm sure it's lovely, unless you were drunk when you picked it out.

    Three cheers for pickup and delivery, indeed. I'm convinced that thing has probably sunk the foundation of your duplex a few inches just be being in the building.

  2. You know. Ain't no party like picking fabric.

  3. we had a fauxfa when I was little. it was green and very comfortable for sitting or sleeping.


  4. You have ADS on your blog... Do you get $1 everytime someone clicks? Dogfood for the furry one?

  5. Ain't no party like a fabric party, 'cause a fabric party don't stop.

    At least, that's what I've heard.

  6. Big Orange! Hah!

    I swear it never occurred to me.

    My sincere apologies to The Mr. (hee, hee)

