Monday, March 23, 2009


Okay, many apologies for the delay. Until yesterday, there hasn't been much to report; the Mrs. took a break this weekend to visit with her parents (and, apparently, refer to herself in the third person). However! Mom and I were industrious yesterday evening, and between sunning on the back patio and watching the dog try to decide which bush to make His Fort, we got the guest room painted! Pictures forthcoming; we left before it had dried and lest my blog readers believe us to be a) horrible painters or b) fans of the "mottled" look, I decided to take pictures during our next visit. The color is an interesting one; it was the top swatch on a Valspar sample that went all the way down to a deep olive green--"Sweet Kasha" is the color name, whatever that's supposed to invoke. (Sidebar: have I mentioned that I almost painted the kitchen "Moby Dick?" Being the paint-company color name-er must be interesting.) Anyway, the color reads as creamy white when it's not next to something that's really white, but next to the white trim it has the slightest trace of spring green. I'm pretty happy with it. The walls had been a peaceful lavender-ish gray, but since all of the bedding and such that we have for the guest room is green we figured we'd do well to change it. I think that's it for now, but here's what's coming up:
  • The Guest Bedroom, before & after
  • The Great $5 Chandelier experiment
  • Painting the Kitchen, or: 'Adventures in Hiding the Goofs I Made Whilst Trying to Trim Wallpaper With A Dull Blade.'


  1. 1. I am all on tenterhooks* for the next installment. I am greatly intrigued by "The Great $5 Chandelier Experiment." Would you like some Pizza Hut Salad Bar lights? Won't even cost you $5....

    2. "Sweet Kasha" sounds like an organic breakfast cereal.

    *What is a tenterhook? Is that even spelled right?

  2. *I don't know--sounds painful, though.

    Mom has decided that paint-rollering is good exercise, and also that she, too, must refer to herself in the third person, apparently.


  3. lost first comment. will try again. we have painters in the family?

