Tuesday, March 17, 2009

We Have a House

So, last Thursday, we bought a house. It was a little surreal; there were words, a lot of signing things, some large numbers, more words... and then there were keys. Sitting in the empty house for the first time, knowing it was ours, was pretty exciting. Or scary. Or both. So what do you do with an empty house you can't move into just yet? (The Mr. has a business trip in a few days and we'll move after that.) You start making plans. And going to Lowe's. Now, after spending a bunch of money on stuff we didn't need when we could make 'maintenance requests' of our landlord (and have a glass of wine while we waited for them to show up)... we have begun. Read on--our hope is to document with this blog our first foray into the world of property ownership.

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