Thursday, March 26, 2009

Four Green Chairs, ISO Large, Fun-loving Table.

As we have never before had a dining room to call our own, it might come as no surprise that we had no dining furniture. Call me naive, but I didn't realize that SIDE CHAIRS could cost $200 (or more!) APIECE. Thus, our outlets for finding dining furniture have looked more like thrift stores and consignment shops. Which, actually, has been really fun. I'm kind of picky about this, and won't order anything online without seeing it first--this is our first house and the first time we've actually been responsible for finding our own furniture to serve a specific purpose. Thus! We were really happy to find this set of 4 (green!) side chairs for a steal at a local shop. They'll be the first of a set of chairs that we'll be able to use not only as dining chairs but extra seating throughout the house. The wall color in the dining room (hard to tell from this photo) is a kind of mustard-yellow, so they complement it really well. When we bought the fabric for the upholsterer, I also found some more that blends this emerald green with mustard yellow AND a soft cadet blue--something that will coordinate our dishes (and the new kitchen wall color--but more on that later) with all the green and yellow. What'll we use the fabric for? Seat cushions (or covers, if we find chairs we like that have upholstered seats), a piano bench seat, or a curtain panel--BWA, HAHAHAHA. The chairs are table-less right now, but they shouldn't be after this weekend. Pier 1 has an amazing table (big, slab-top, distressed--everything we were looking for) that we'll pick up as soon as we have the vehicle to do so. We weren't looking for too formal a table; this is going to have to serve every purpose we could throw at it--breakfast, dinner, crafts, games, easter-egg dying--so we wanted something we wouldn't always be worried we'd ruin. This is a horrible picture, but should give you an idea (fyi, it's Pier 1's "Torrance" table, and it's big--84" by 42"):
I think that's it re: Table and Chairs. Will post pictures once table has arrived and is constructed...


  1. Very cool! Are you going to do a mis-matchy sort of thing with more chairs and stuff? That seems to be very hot with the design crowd these days...

  2. Also, is The Table going to be big enough to fit all of us at Thanksgiving? :)

  3. Maybe. It might be BYO-Chair.
